b'Freshwater PondsThere are over 25 freshwater ponds in Chatham, most of which are windows on our aquifer because they haveformed where low areas in the ground surface expose the water table. In size, they range from the tiny 1.2-acre Pink-wink Pond to the largest 41-acre White Pond and Goose Pond (known as kettlehole ponds), with a total acreage of over 260 acres. Seven of our ponds are Great Ponds, defi ned by the state as ponds over 10 acres in size, and owned by the State of Massachusetts in the public trust.These include Emery, Goose, Lovers Lake, Mill, Schoolhouse, Stillwater and White Ponds.Some of the Great Ponds, such as Goose, Schoolhouse, Stillwater, Lovers Lake and White Pond, have public access (some unimproved), and are open to the public for fi shing, kayaking, swimming. The smaller ponds, mostly private, have limited public access/use.Due to the extremely sandy soils found in Chatham, we also have a globally rare type of pond known as coastal plain pond.Found only in southeastern Massachusetts, these ponds are characterized by widely fl uctuating water levels, resulting in extreme variations in the width of the pond shore from year to year. They are host to many rare and endangered plant and animal species, including damselfl ies, dragonfl ies and turtles.Chathams many ponds provide for various types of recreation such as swimming, fi shing, boating, ice-fi shing and bird watching. They also serve as habitat for many species of fi sh and waterfowl and their shores provide habitat to many plant and animal species. These waters and shoreline provide a place of scenic beauty and solitude for Cha-tham citizens.Lovers LakePhoto by Geri AppleyardPondArea (Acres)Public AccessActivitiesMill Pond24UnimprovedFishingGoose Pond41Fisherman LandingFishingSchoolhouse23Town BeachSwimming, Fishing, Kayak/canoeLovers Lake38UnimprovedKayak/canoe, FishingStillwater Pond 19UnimprovedKayak/canoe, FishingEmery Pond14NoKayak/canoeWhite Pond41LandingSwimming, Kayak/canoe, FishingCape Cod Pond and Lake Atlas, Cape Cod Commission, 2003Page 8 bluepages.indd 8 8/26/2009 1:49:14 PM'