b'Is the best solution to take the oil/water mixture to the oil recycling container at the local marina?Unfortunately, no: the signs indicate Oil only - no bilge wastes.What can a conscientious boater do? First, fi x any leaks that might contribute oil to the bilges.Next, before pumping the bilgewater overboard, capture the fl oating surface oil with oil-absorbent pads, paper towels, or old nylon stockings.A product called a bilge sock can be used to sop up oily bilgewater. Bilge socks are available at local marinas. Fuel The traditional method for determining a full fuel tank iswatching for fuel spilling from the tank over-fl ow vent. Fuel overfl ows are dangerous to people and toxic to fi sh and other aquatic life. Small fuel spills are subject to State fi nes up to $25,000, federal fi nes of up to $5,000, and local fi nes up to $200 per off ense.Several commercial products are available from marine supply stores to help you prevent these overfl ows. The simplest is a container that attaches to the fuel vent to capture overfl ows.A more sophisticated tank vent surge protector works with automatic nozzles to shut offthe fuel fl ow when your tank is full and with non-automatic nozzles that gurgle when it is time to stop pumping. Another similar product changes pitch when the tank is full. Even small spills need to be wiped up immediately to keep them from reaching the water. SewageHuman waste contains disease-causing bacteria and viruses that compromise safe public swimming and contaminate shellfi sh beds. Sewage is a source of nutrient overload in coastal salt ponds, bays, and inlets.Nutrient enrichment fertilizes the waters and contributes to algae blooms and oxygen depletion, which kill marine life. Be responsible with your waste.It is illegal to dump untreated sewage into the water, and violators are subject to a State fi ne of $2,000 and local fi nes up to $200 per off ense.Even so called treated sewage from boats contains nutrients and bacteria.It is illegal to dump treated or untreated sewage in specifi ed No Discharge Areas, (NDA), for both recreational and commercial boats.Stage Harbor is currently designated as an NDA; an application for designation of Pleasant Bay waters is in process.Information is available from the Mass. Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), http://www.mas.gov/czm/nda/index.htm.If you have a toilet on your boat, it must be equipped with a Marine Sanitation Device (MSD). Acquaint yourself with the use and maintenance of the type of MSD on your boat. If your boat does not have an installed toilet, consider using a portable toilet.The Town of Chatham and most marinas have dump stations to empty portable toilets.Town dump stations are available at various Town landings, including the Fish Pier,Old Mill Boat Yard and Ryders Cove.Regardless of what type of MSD your boat has, sewage pump-out stations or portable pump-out units should be used to empty holding tanks when moored or docked in marinas and harbors. This service is FREE in many harbors.When cruising, check with the local Harbormaster to fi nd the nearest pump-out facility.The Town of Chatham maintains a pump-out station at the Harbormasters office in Stage Harbor.Various portable pump-out facilites are also available (call 508-945-5185 for details and scheduling).Page 54 bluepages.indd 54 8/26/2009 1:52:49 PM'