b'Chapter 11 Not Just for Kids Goin Fishing.When youre trying to catch a big one, consider that lead sinkers and fi shing lines are a hazard to wildlife. Water birds can swallow the sinkers lost from your line and die from lead poisoning. Instead of lead, use plated steel sinkers or washers and plated steel hooks. And be sure to properly dispose of your fi shing lines so it wont entangle wildlife. Local tackle stores provide boxes for you to dispose of old line. Beach Trash Pickup.Always carry out your own trash and any other trash you fi nd on the beach. Friends of Chatham Waterways hosts an annual Coastal Sweep beach clean-up day; consult their website for more information (www.chathamwaterways.org).Watershed Address.Find your Watershed Address on the maps in Chapter 1 of this booklet. Where does the rain that falls in your yard go? Water Watch.Whos wasting water in your house? Be a water detective; check for leaky faucets and turn offthe water while brushing your teeth or washing dishes. Learn about water-saving devices such as low-fl ow shower heads and appliances and talk to your parents about installing them. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.We make a lot of unnecessary trash. Reduce the amount of trash you make: buy things with less packaging, fi x things instead of buying new ones, recycle, and compost organic wastes. Donate to or fi nd a treasure at the Gift House at the Transfer Station or local thrift store. Get Your School Involved.Friends of Chatham Waterways in partnership with others organizations in Chatham have encouraged the Chatham Schools to incorporate an extensive series of local fi eld trips to learn about our waterways.The K-6 curriculum includes a ladder of hands on activities at all grade levels to give students experiences illustrating that all the waterin and around Chathamfrom the fresh water kettle ponds, underground in the loose glacial soils, fl owing to the estuaries and baysis connected. Parents and volunteers are encouraged to contact the Chatham Schools to ask about ways they can assist in fi eld trips, caring for aquariums, animals and plants in the classroom, and gardening programs.For Teens .With your parents, read the section on hazardous waste, then go on a toxics hunt around your house. Look for these warnings on the labels: DANGER, CAUTION, WARNING, POISON, CORROSIVE, CAUSTIC, INERT, FLAMMABLE, OR EXPLOSIVE. When these items are ready for disposal, they should go to the Household Hazardous Materials Collection Days, sponsored by the Towns of Chatham and Harwich. Why not fi nd out how these hazardous wastes are collected? Learn about alternatives to these products and use them when you can. Page 56 bluepages.indd 56 8/26/2009 1:52:59 PM'