b'ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDuring the research phase ofturning out this book, I benefited repeatedly from coverage of FCW events in The Cape Cod Chronicle. At the same time, the files maintained by former board secretary Maureen Vokey and longtime director and officer Lew Kimball were an important resource and a lesson in the value of preserving these fragments of history.At the same time, I also had the vital resource of talking to many of the principals involved in FCWs life. Mosdy I audio-recorded these conversations face-to- face, and sometimes went back again. At other points the interviews were conducted by phone. And in one case, an admirable letter (from Mrs. Joan Kimball) gave seminal information on the organizations earliest months.Im grateful to the following for sharing their memories and perspectives:Dr. Bea Barrett Hillary LeClaire Richard Batchelder (2 times) Andy Meincke Gabrielle Belfit * Richard Miller Ilene BendasGeorge Olmsted James BlankenshipJohn Pappalardo Douglas Ann BohmanSue Phelan Dr. Walter J. ButierDouglas Rhodes Bob DennWilliam Riley David DonnanRichard Spitzer Dr. Robert A. DuncansonMartha Stone Debby Ecker (3) Barbara Streibert Margo FennSam Streibert John Geiger (3) John Sweeney Nancy GeigerScott Tappan Spencer GreyMaureen Vokey Kurt HellfachDouglas Wells William Hinchey (2) Parker Wiseman Richard HiscockEverett YeawNorman Howes (2)Judy Hoyt Lewis Kimball * Interviewed by Amy Andreasson Joan Channing Kimball (letter) Ted Keon (2) R. D. B. C.221'