b"C H A P T E R T W E L V Eshoreside development, to its present status as Chathams most vigorous community organisation devoted to conservation and controlled development, FCW exemplifies and illustrates what can be accomplished when concerned townspeople pool their talents, energies and vision for the betterment of their community.Volunteerism takes many forms. FCWs story celebrates one case of effective participation in local affairs. It deserves a place in the recorded annals of this town.1Friends of Chatham Waterways always needs more volunteers for this summertime research project. It is far from being simply make-work, and friendships can be cultivated and strengthened. The program contacts: Mrs. Martha Stone and George Olmsted.2See TIME, July 7, 2003.lffiwiiV * dt , uii-mbiittTT'i& . pfipff2.K m'CA.V'. Wj The generations come, and come again, to Chatham for its vistas, its diverse and ever-appealing wateways, its exhilarating ways to enjoy life outdoors.Over July Fourth weekend in 2003, Gordon Zellner and granddaughter Jessica Zellner Kline boated to Crescent Beach and put their rakes to work.They11 be back another day, another summer.Rob Kline218"