b'C H A P T E R E L E V E Nthe grants to help Chatham teachers put in motion environmental science projects for students of all ages. Or the intensive review of Chathams quality of life and various threats to it. There can be no forgetting, either, the successful efforts of Debby Ecker, John Geiger, John Sweeney and others to win Town Meetings approval for four revisions of the Zoning Bylaw.In its cruise, FCW has forged an alliance with the commercial fishermen of the town, and put together invaluable teams of volunteers to apply science to testing the challenged waters of the town, as well as the incessant shifts in its sandy borders. Meanwhile, almost from its first days afloat, the organization has put out benign background information about the waterways and the lands next to them, and now and then directed its rhetoric at local causes, from the Community Preservation Act and Land Bank, to the Comprehensive Long Range Plan.Over its years, crews aboard the Friends have come and gone. But efforts to face up to new tasks continue. Go to any board meeting and you find that motion, like the migration of Chathams sands, is incessant. In any year, directors come with varied spots: some have been teachers and school administrators; others hail from engineering backgrounds; now and then youll find escapees from the land of the media; some worked their way up to be corporateEastward across Bassing Harbor to Fox Island, first property given to the Conservation Foundation in 1962. At low tide, you could walk to it.Gordon Zellner.196'