b'C H A P T E R T E NIn Support of Other CausesThe Zoning Bylaw campaign may have been FCWs largest-caliber venture in public information, in selling one of its projects. But the organization has also put its communications skills to work for a load of smaller undertakings. And now and again it has embraced concepts unveiled by others; finding common aims, FCW has thrown its weight behind a town-wide effort as one member of an advocacy team. One case: its support for the Community Preservation Act (CPA).The CPA, a matter of 2001 legislative business in the Commonwealth, embodied the best of intentions. If a town voted for the measure, money raised by a local 3 percent surcharge would be matched by the state. That nice pot could only be used for projects in three categories: historic preservation, community (affordable) housing, and open space and recreation. On the face of it, the people of Chatham should find that new avenue to targeted funding appealing. But savvy folks knew it wasnt that simple.5At a meeting in July 2001, selectmen appointed a committee to look into the CPA proposition and come back with recommendations by October 1. By September 25, the study group had decided: Chatham should adopt the CPA. If the town did so, a 3 percent surcharge would be added to real estate taxes, but only after cutting the assessed value of residential property by $100,000 and exempting sites owned by those qualified for low income or moderate income senior housing. Selectmen endorsed theAND THE WINNER IS.committees views, then asked the sevenChatham!members to stay in business to explain At Town Meeting, voters overwhelmingly approved four zoning CPA to voters before a Special Townby-law amendments that will help the town better manageIn growth, development and redevelopment in the years ahead. Meeting on January 14, 2002. doing so. they said: We care about and need to protect our valuable natural resources We want to preserve the character of our residential neighborhoodsIt is important to sustain a superior Quality of Life for all residentsCITIZEN/GOVERNMENT COOPERATIONApproval of these articles was significant.But perhaps lost in the shuffle was an equally important achievement: a truly When voters approved the four Bylawcollaborative effort by private citizens, town boards, town departments and officials, builders and developers, zoning legal amendments at the May 2001 Townexperts, and others. This was a mixed group indeed, with varying opinions and ideas. but they were guided by a common goal:toMeeting, FCWs communicators workeddo what is best for Chatham.up this Thanks To All! flyer.It emphasized that while approval was important,THANKS TO ALL!so was a truly collaborative effort by many, including Town boards andi i m i "SZSSBKST-m Witptoiftfflimwimp tad odjgsnt tafsdepartments. fitaasrfOiHWMWosswwtti prarffia He Wes IJa&ti of lift | 6l! asFor membership information: write to us at: FCW, Box 472, Chatham MA 02633-0472180'