b'C H A P T E R S E V E NMoving from spring into early summer 98, two more steps to gather information were taken: a questionnaire was designed and sent to 100 individuals(one out of three replied), and face-to-face interviews, coordinated by Mrs. Ecker, were conducted. Starting onCape Cod Chronicle, April 16,1995July 21, in little moreChathams Quality Of Life Independence Day Parade Themethan a month, she andEvent Promises A Break With Tradition Fryar said. AboutS14.000 in town funds will be usedWe\' ying to expand theof the parade to help pay for six to 10 local bands, rather thaniviues, Fryar said.the author tapeds\' Four bringing the outfits in from around the stole and New, grand marshal has yet to beisen. Fryar s England. committee will make their se Never fear, however: The Sd stalwarts will behis year also marks the 30th niversary of thethere, including the Chatham Band. But this year, interviews with 24Major changes are in store for the towns tradi-the town band will be asked to play prior to the parade onal Independence Day celebration. Cash prises forat the Whit Tileston Bandstand in Kate Gould Park, p floats, and a rock and roil concert at the end oftheand join the parade in progress.5tari8, and a theme that st resses Chatham\'s qualityIn another break with tradition, parade particimen and women \' life are all on the drawing board. parade, saidpants wont gather for a big cookout after the event. lis going to be a nice hometownInstead, Fryar said that local service organizations, fiTrey Fryar, chairman of the Public Ceremoniessuch as the Lions Club, are being asked to set upIn the meantime, the group is mailing as3embli ommittee, the town-spnnsored group its charge ofconcessions at Veterans Field, where the paradea history of the Independence Day parade, to provi from store-ownerganizing the event, which attracts many thousandsterminates. And instead of parade participants sucha record of parade marshals, prize winners and otfc \' people to Chatham\'s Main Street and is one of the as the Highland Light Scottish Band entertaining theaspects of the event.crowds during the time between the end of the parade Fryar added that anyone wishing to coc.tribi "Basically, the parade\'s for Chatham." said Fryar. Kathy Doyle and artist(plaining that even though many of those who line and 60s rockand roll band Freddieand theMaybclines information or help out with the parade should ce tact him at 945-4934.nown and anticipated throughout the Capethe jack Garver, to Plan jmraittee is working to gear it toward localresi-Essays: Chathams QualityOf mts by involving more community groups, such asLifese elementary school band. It\'s nice to do this for rerybody, but were trying to bring it back to ning Board Chairmanhatham." The following essays were writtensring, and perhaps people who live elsewhere most of Thats reflected in this years theme, suggested byFriends of Chatham Waterways\' eadie year are able to see that a bit more clearly. Fin se Friends of Chatham Waterways Qualify of Life light the things that make Chatham\' reminded of it whenever 1 get back after spending aEarl Skip Kendrick,iropaign, which aims at gening people to think. special. Selected essays will run penbuilder and teacher Robert Stello, andBy April 98, the QOL project was gathering speed, and school nurse Patnow and again,The C hronicle offered a window on Vreeland. It was anprogress and what people thought about their town.Its intense but productiveall about ebb and flow, said Brian Morris.period.The pace hardly slackened with all this raw stock on the table. One large commitment remaining called for scheduling a daytime meeting to end the project: it would draw out residents further on risks to the towns quality of life and possible solutions. More than 200 would be invited to CBI where, once again, General Manager Chris Diego offered to supply both facilities and food. An arrangement was made, as well, to pull in a facilitator (Michael LeFeve) to run the all-morning session. The date: September 21, a Monday.School nurse Pat Vreeland was one of 24 women and men interviewed for a QOL booklet that FCW intended to publish by summers end.Few have a more intimate view than she about teenage tensions.Gordon Zellner120'