b'C H A P T E R S E V E NBear in mind that no handbook told how to make a reality of such an award.So, while the details were falling into place, directors were still off-shore on how the winner would be chosen. By April 01, George Olmsted had a solution: hed ask two senior town employees to join him in picking the candidate, with a final yea or nay from the full FCW board. Those two men were Chairman of Selectmen Ron Bergstrom and Ted Keon, director of Coastal Resources.The authorin Olmsteds term, the project spark plugtook off to get a plaque made. An excellent Chatham woodworker, Michael Stello, accepted the challenge, including trimming themahogany perimeter in white nautical rope. He also fashioned a smaller board to house FCWs gift to the first winner, a tide clock.By the June meeting of FCWs board, six nominations had been received. That was fine, but some steam arose over the selection procedure. Was it a unilateral decision toRichard Miller receives the first Captains invite outsiders to take part? More orAward in 2001 from FCW President George less was Olmsteds reply, stated theOlmsted.Miller was cited for, among other minutes. Why hadnt the executiveachievements, chairing the committee that committee been consulted? In fact,produced the Stage Harbor Management it hadnt, but it would be in the future. Plan.Photo by ]im BlankenshipAt any rate, the more people thought about it, the better they liked the choice for the 2001 Captains Award.He was marketing consultant Richard Miller, Chatham resident since 1984.He had served the town memorably in chairing the committee that drew up the critical Stage Harbor Management Plan; he also headed the steering committee formed to draft the Pleasant Bay Resource ManagementFCWs Olmsted presents the 2002 Captains Plan. The Captains Award wasAward to Douglas B. Wells.He has served the community as chair of the Conservaannounced at FCWs annual meetingtion Commission and also the Zoning August 9. Later, the large plaque withBoard of Appeals.Photo by Jim BlankenshipDick Millers name on it went on the wall in the Town Managers outer office.115'