b'C H A P T E R E I G H Tthe totalat a modest $150 an hourcould well have exceeded $150,000.Even so, Project ZB Revision swelled into a distinct charge against FCWs time, energy and dollars.Regardless, most of the organizations 21 directors stood by the prolonged commitment, some openly supportive, others less so.At least one, Mrs. Pat Siewert, has objected. I think (it) was a foolish move, she said. It wasnt really our job. And what good did it do us? I just think it was misdirected .it was over-reaching.Well, what good did it do FCW? John Geiger, for one, has as realistic a sense of that as anyone. His conviction: If it wasnt forFormer teacher and one of FCW, none of this .would have happened,Chathams most ubiquitous and its all very important. volunteers, Pat Siewert rarely lets On the flip side of the questionwhata chance pass to be an active harm, if any, came from the project for FCW? participant in discussions about -go tothe threesome of Mrs. Ecker, Geigerissues and initiatives.Gordon Zellnerand Sweeney. They recognized that FCWs name had become detrimental to what they are determined to do in proposing further ZB revisions. On that view, John Geiger gets specific. In one-on-one sessions, he talked to three current selectmen. Each one, he says, doesnt like the term FCWNor do key staff of the Department of Community Development and several members of the Planning Board. So, in the winter of 2002-03, the FCW core group began enlisting non-FCW people to help propel their renewed drive to put Bylaw amendments before town voters. In hard fact, John Geiger says without reservation, Weve exhausted FCW as a promoter of ZB change.Its worthwhile to tap into the thinking of others not linked to FCW As a Planning Board member for eighteen years, Dave Donnan contributes his own perspective. On balance, he found FCWs Bylaw revisions very well-intentioned and conceded there was a lack of support from the Planning Board on some of them. He saw long ago that Chathams Zoning Bylaw is the most complicated one Ive ever read.Sometimes a well-intentioned article may be proposed, but by its nature, it creates loopholes that are worse than whats there. Was the FCW enterprise worth all the energy? That energys never wasted, he says. It puts something on the table. It continues to make you think. Overall, he is sure that the FCW process was a learning one for everybody.145'