b'For further background on the Capes centuries of fishing, see Henry C. Kittredges Cape Cod: Its1People and Their Historj, first published in 1930 and reprinted in 1987 by Parnassus Imprints.2 See the most informative The Chatham Celebration: 1712-1912. The Two Hundredth Anniversary of theIncorporation of the Town of Chatham, published in 1913.3 They were: Dr. Anthony Chatwin, staff scientist, Conservation Law Foundation; Dr. DavidPierce, deputy director, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries; Chris Glass of the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences; and John Pappalardo. Ms. Weidman, an accomplished facilitator, was designated as moderator.4 From an essay written by the author for a major reunion year book at college.5 See Weathering a Century of Change for more details on the towns growth in the latter years of the20th century.'