No personal information is shared with any other organization.
You will receive an email from PayPal confirming your donation. A tax receipt from FCW will follow in the mail. Your support is appreciated.
FCW is a 501(c)(3) organization, EIN 22-2639305, founded in 1983. FCW has no paid staff, your membership and donation go directly to protect Chatham’s waterways and natural resources.
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You do NOT need a PayPal account to complete your transaction. You may make a secure credit card payment online (Visa or Mastercard only) or use your personal PayPal account
Contributing online (using the form on this page) is the preferred method but if you would like to mail in your payment: click on the button below, print the form, complete the information and mail it to: FRIENDS of CHATHAM WATERWAYS | P.O. Box 472, Chatham, MA 02633-0472