Barbara Streibert Environmental Education Grants
Barbara Streitert Environmental Education Grants are available annually to all teachers in the Monomoy Regional School District, the Nauset Regional School District, the Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School, the Sturgis Charter Public School, and Cape Tech. FCW allocates $4000 each year for education grants which focus on Chatham's waterways: wetlands, fresh and salt water marshes and seashores.
A Barbara Streibert Environmental Education Grant project could classroom instruction, fieldwork, research, professional development, or any combination of these activities. Grant money may be applied toward teaching materials, supplies and equipment, transportation, stipends, and any other expenses related to the proposed project.
Recent grants have been awarded for the following:
- Purchase of a dissolved oxygen meter, pH meter, wildlife camera with night vision, and digital audio recorder for the Monomoy Regional Middle School Living Lab and Outdoor Classroom where students monitor vernal pools for water quality and species diversity;
- Remote controlled underwater vehicle kit (ROV) for 7th grade Science and Technology/ Engineering students to collect water samples at sites normally inaccessible to sampling.
- Field trip bus transportation to Muddy Creek and the Cape Cod National Seashore and dissolved oxygen and pH meters for Middle School students to test water quality, observe area biodiversity, learn about the impact of sea level rise and climate change.
- Bus transportation, whale watch tickets, Audubon scientist stipends and student scholarships for the annual Middle School science and humanities writers' retreat at Cape Cod Sea Camps where 60 students learn and write about Chatham's waterways and their interconnectedness to all Cape waters, environmental concerns and their impact on the aquifer.
Teachers interested in applying for a grant should contact Education CommitteeCoordinators Ian Hoffman-Terry or Betsy Mosser at
In the fall of 2023, FCW funded a Monomoy High School English class field trip to Chatham waterways like White Pond and Harding Beach. Students studying transcendentalism created videos with transcendentalist themes inspired by the work of writers like Emerson and Thoreau.