2024 Annual Meeting:

The FCW 2024 annual meeting will be held on Wednesday August 21 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm at the Chatham Beach and Tennis Club, 12 Main St.  Greg Berman, Chatham's Natural Resources Director, will be the keynote speaker.

2023 Annual Meeting:

FCW president, Jeff Mason, gave a recap of the year and what’s ahead for the organization, noting the value of volunteers to keep this organization strong for 40 years! Our keynote speaker was Erin Perry, Deputy Director of the Cape Cod Commission, who spoke to the audience about the Commission’s Freshwater Initiative that focuses the data gathering, providing a hub for data on our freshwater ponds, and involving stakeholders as we seek ways to best protect these valuable natural resources. And finally, the annual meeting wrapped up with the FCW Captain’s award being bestowed on long-time FCW member, former president, and chair of the South Coastal Harbor Plan Committee, Tom King. Congrats and thank you Tom!

Erin Perry, Cape Cod Commission and Jeff Mason, FCW president
Erin Perry, Cape Cod Commission and Jeff Mason, FCW president
Tom King Captains Award
Tom King Captains Award