Friends of Chatham Waterways Logo

committed to the protection, wise use and enjoyment of Chatham's fresh and salt waterways and adjoining lands

Upcoming Events

It’s Earth Week, April 20-26.

Scheduled events honor our most precious resource—WATER.


Friends of Chatham Waterways was founded in 1983 as a non-profit organization committed to the protection, wise use and enjoyment of Chatham's fresh and salt waterways and adjoining lands. Our purpose is to serve as an informational resource regarding the condition, development, preservation and enhancement of our waterways and adjoining lands, and to take action on these issues.

FCW directors are stewards of Chatham's water resources: ponds, streams, tidal estuaries, wetlands, harbors and groundwater aquifer. We believe these natural resources are fundamental to the town's heritage, providing recreational and commercial opportunities while adding to its environmental and economic health. The primary interest of FCW is ensuring that the management of Chatham waterways is accomplished in ways that are compatible with the conservation of the community's natural resources and the character of the area.